4/5 rDev -2.4%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
A bomber dated 1/18/17 purchased at Binny’s Beverage Depot poured in a 14oz. stout glass for the review.
Look- Pours a oily but flat looking black color leaving a centimeter of mocha colored foam. It rapidly settles to a thin ring with a small amount of lacing left behind.
Smell- Maple syrup, bakers chocolate and coffee. A slight fusel alcohol smell in the back.
Taste- Dark chocolate, sweet maple syrup, dark roast coffee, tobacco and some vanilla. A hint of char appears in the finish.
Feel- Oily but very flat lacking any visible carbonation.
Overall- A robust and flavorful stout that would benefit from more carbonation. It drinks very flat like a beer that has sat out for an extended period of time. The 13% abv. is very well hidden. I’m crossing my fingers the carbonation is tweaked the next time around as this could be something special.
Source: www.beeradvocate.com